author: '' license: 'GPL2+' urls: - "" citations: #unorganized - cytoarchitektonik: "Constantin von Economo & Georg N. Koskinas (1925). Die Cytoarchitektonik der Hirnrinde des erwachsenen Menschen. Vienna and Berlin: Julius Springer." see also: - "Atlas of cytoarchitectonics of the adult human cerebral cortex" - "Zellaufbau der Großhirnrinde" - "The cellular architecture of the cerebral cortex" - "Die cytoarchitektonik der hirnrinde des erwachsenen menschen" - "Meynert, T. (1872) Der Bau der Gross-Hirnrinde und seine örtlichen Verschiedenheiten, nebst einem pathologisch–anatomischen Corollarium. J.H. Heuser’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Neuwied & Leipzig." - "Campbell, A.W. (1903) Histological studies on cerebral localisation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 72: 488-492." - "Elliot Smith, G. (1907) A new topographical survey of the human cerebral cortex, being an account of the distribution of the anatomically distinct cortical areas and their relationship to the cerebral sulci. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology (London) 41: 237-254." - "Brodmann, K. (1909) Vergleichende Lokalisationslehre der Grosshirnrinde in ihren Prinzipien dargestellt auf Grund des Zellenbaues. Johann Ambrosius Barth, Leipzig." - "Garey, L.J. (2006) Brodmann’s Localisation in the Cerebral Cortex. Springer Science, New York." - "Economo, C. von, Koskinas, G.N. (1925) Die Cytoarchitektonik der Hirnrinde des erwachsenen Menschen. Julius Springer, Vienna." - "Economo, C. von, Koskinas, G.N. (2008) Atlas of Cytoarchitectonics of the Adult Human Cerebral Cortex (translated, revised and edited by L.C. Triarhou). Karger, Basel." queries: #useful search terms - "cytoarchitectonic map" - "brodmann areas" - "von economo" - "neuroanatomy" rhombencephalon: name: hindbrain myelencephalon: medulla oblongata: medullary pyramids: medullary cranial nerve nuclei: links: - !wikipedia "[[cranial nerve nuclei]]" inferior salivatory nucleus: nucleus ambiguus: dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve: hypoglossal nucleus: solitary nucleus: metencephalon: links: - !wikipedia "[[metencephalon]]" pons: respiratory centres: pneumotactic centre: apneustic centre: pontine cranial nerve nuclei: links: - !wikipedia "[[cranial nerve nuclei]]" chief nucleus of the trigeminal nerve sensory nucleus: links: - !wikipedia "[[trigeminal nerve]]" motor nucleus for the trigeminal nerve: abducens nucleus: facial nerve nucleus: vestibulocochlear nerve nuclei: links: - !wikipedia "[[vestibulocochlear nerve]]" - !wikipedia "[[vestibular nuclei]]" - !wikipedia "[[cochlear nuclei]]" superior salivatory nucleus: paramedian pontine reticular formation: cerebellum: cerebellum vermis: cerebellar hemispheres: anterior lobe: posterior lobe: flocculonodular lobe: cerebellar nuclei: fastigial nucleus: globose nucleus: emboliform nucleus: dentate nucleus: mesencephalon: name: midbrain links: - !wikipedia "[[mesencephalon]]" tectum: inferior colliculi: links: - !wikipedia "[[inferior colliculus]]" superior colliculi: &superior-colliculi links: - !wikipedia "[[superior colliculus]]" mesencephalic duct: name: cerebral aqueduct, Aqueduct of Sylvius cerebral peduncle: midbrain tegmentum: ventral tegmental areas: &ventral-tegmental-areas characteristics: - !supplies dopamine to nucleus accumbens, prefrontal cortex #reward learning - GABA - glutamate neurons diseases: #overactivity of VTA dopaminergic projections - *schizophrenia red nucleus: crus cerebri: pretectum: prosencephalon: name: forebrain links: - !wikipedia "[[prosencephalon]]" diencephalon: epithalamus: pineal gland: name: pineal body habenular nuclei: stria medullares: tenia thalami: third ventricle: thalamus: anterior nuclear group: anteroventral nucleus: anterodorsal nucleus: anteromedial nucleus: medial nuclear group: medial dorsal nucleus: midline nuclear group: paratenial nucleus: reuniens nucleus: rhomboidal nucleus: intralaminar nuclear group: centromedial nucleus: parafascicular nucleus: paracentral nucleus: central lateral nucleus: central medial nucleus: lateral nuclear group: lateral dorsal nucleus: lateral posterior nucleus: pulvinar: ventral nuclear group: ventral anterior nucleus: ventral lateral nucleus: ventral posterior nucleus: ventral posterior lateral nucleus: ventral posterior medial nucleus: metathalamus: medial geniculate body: lateral geniculate body: thalamic reticular nucleus: hypothalamus: name: limbic system, HPA axis #or should this be a list? links: - !wikipedia "[[limbic system]]" - !wikipedia "[[hypothalamus]]" - !wikipedia "[[HPA axis]]" anterior: medial area: parts of preoptic area: links: - !wikipedia "[[preoptic area]]" medial preoptic nucleus: suprachiasmatic nucleus: paraventricular nucleus: supraoptic nulcues: notes: - mainly (according to wikipedia) anterior hypothalamic nucleus: lateral area: parts of preoptic area: links: - !wikipedia "[[preoptic area]]" lateral preoptic nucleus: lateral hypothalamus: name: lateral nucleus localization: anterior shares: #is the lateral anterior region of the diencephalon's hypothalamus part of the supraoptic nucleus? - *supraoptic-nucleus other nuclei of preoptic area: links: - !wikipedia "[[preoptic area]]" median preoptic nucleus: periventricular preoptic nucleus: tuberal: medial area: dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus: ventromedial nucleus: arcuate nucleus: lateral area: lateral hypothalamus: name: lateral nucleus localization: tuberal lateral tuberal nuclei: posterior: medial area: mammillary nuclei: part of: mammillary bodies posterior nucleus: links: - !wikipedia "[[posterior nucleus (hypothalamus)]]" lateral area: lateral nucleus: links: - !wikipedia "[[lateral hypothalamus]]" localization: posterior optic chiasm: subfornical organ: periventricular nucleus: infundibulum: #wtf tuber cinereum: tuberal nucleus: tuberomamillary nuclues: tuberal region: mammillary bodies: mammillary nucleus: subthalamus: name: subthalamus links: - !wikipedia "[[subthalamus]]" - !wikipedia "[[HPA axis]]" thalamic nucleus: zona incerta: pituitary gland: name: pituitary gland links: - !wikipedia "[[pituitary gland]]" - !wikipedia "[[HPA axis]]" neurohypophysis: localization: posterior #posterior pituitary links: - !wikipedia "[[posterior pituitary]]" intermediate pituitary: adenohypophysis: localization: anterior #anterior pituitary links: - !wikipedia "[[anterior pituitary]]" anterior pituitary prolactin: &anterior-pituitary-prolactin !secretion secretes: - prolactin inhibited by: #inhibited by dopamine (neurohormone) from the hypothalamus - *dopamine telencephalon: name: cerebrum links: - !wikipedia "[[telencephalon]]" - !wikipedia "[[cerebrum]]" - !wikipedia "[[cerebral hemisphere]]s" white matter: corona radiata: internal capsule: external capsule: extreme capsule: arcuate fasciculus: uncinate fasciculus: subcortical: amygdala: name: paleopallium links: - !wikipedia "[[limbic system]]" - !wikipedia "[[limbic lobe]]" - !wikipedia "[[paleopallium]]" central nucleus: links: - !wikipedia "[[autonomic nervous system]]" medial nucleus: links: - !wikipedia "[[accessory olfactory system]]" cortical nucleus: shares: - *main-olfactory-system basomedial nuclei: shares: - *main-olfactory-system lateral nucleus: shares: - *frontotemporal-cortical-system basolateral nuclei: shares: - *frontotemporal-cortical-system base head: &archipallium name: archipallium links: - !wikipedia "[[archipallium]]" - !wikipedia "[[limbic system]]" - !wikipedia "[[limbic lobe]]" dentate gyrus: cornu ammonis: notes: - CA fields claustrum: basal ganglia: &basal-ganglia names: - "basal ganglia" - "basal nuclei" links: - !wikipedia "[[basal ganglia]]" - !wikipedia "[[Anatomical subdivisions and connections of the basal ganglia]]" - International Basal Ganglia Society: !link "" diseases: - "movement disorders" #degeneration of the dopamine cells in the substantia nigra - *parkinsons #damage to the striatium - *huntingtons - *tourettes - *obsessive-compulsive-disorder functions: - *motor-control - *learning - *action-selection #signals from the prefrontal cortex -> behavior switching - *prefrontal-cortex-behavior-switching - motivation: see: - *nucleus-accumbens - *ventral-pallidium - *ventral-tegmental-areas notes: - "dopaminergic projections from the VTA to the NA play a central role in the reward system" - "Animals with stimulating electrodes implanted along this pathway will bar-press very energetically if each press is followed by a brief pulse of electrical current." inhibitory to: - motor systems #thus causing activity in those systems connections: direct pathway: path: cortex -> striatium -> GPi -> thalamus -> cortex notes: - two of these links are excitatory - two of these links are inhibitory - net effect is excitatory - the cortex excites itself via the direct pathway indirect pathway: path: cortex -> striatum -> GPe -> STN -> GPi -> thalamus -> cortex notes: - three of these links are inhibitory - two of these links are excitatory - net effect is inhibitory - the cortex inhibits itself via the indirect pathway neurotransmitters: glutamate: #GABA effect: inhibitory #GABA inhibits the basal ganglia in general acetylcholine: localization: *striatum dopamine: #used by the projection from the substantia nigra pars compacta to the striatum, and also in the analagous projection from the ventral tegmental area to the nucleus accumbens IBAGS structure: description: "structure according to the International Basal Ganglia Societ" striatium: pallidium: nuclei1: nuclei2: substantia nigra: part1: part2: subthalamic nucleus: see also: #Percheron et al. (1991) - *centre-median-parafascicular-of-the-thalamus #Mena-Segovia et al. (2004) - *pedunculopontine-complex striatum: *archipallium &striatum description: "receives dendritic input from many brain regions but only has axons to other regions of the basal ganglia." putamen: caudate nucleus: nucleus accumbens: &nucleus-acumbens &ventral-striatium names: - nucleus accumbens - ventral striatium inputs: - *cerebral-cortex outputs: - !combination internal regions: - internal segment of the globus pallidius (GPe) - reticular part of the substantia nigra (SNr) to: *thalamus - basal ganglia striatum to pallidium: via: *subthalamic-nucleus to: *pallidium pallidium: &pallidium #is this the same thing as ventral pallidium? input from: #archipallium/striatum - *striatum output: - !inhibits *thalamus-region-that-projects-into-motor-related-areas-of-the-cortex globus pallidus: shares: - *nucleus-lentiforms - *putamen subthalamic nucleus: input: - *striatium output: - *pallidium substantia nigra: &substantia-nigra similar to: *pallidium output: - !dopamine !to *striatium ventral pallidium: &ventral-pallidium ventral tegmental areas: *ventral-tegmental-areas rhinencephalon: &paleopallium name: paleopallium olfactory bulb: piriform cortex: anterior olfactory nucleus: olfactory tract: anterior commissure: lateral ventricles: allocortex: names: - "heterotypic cortex" notes: - "has less than 6 layers" - "the other 10% if 90% of the cerebral cortex is the neocortex" includes: - *olfactory-cortex - *hippocampus archicortex: paleocortex: cerebral cortex: &neopallium names: - neopallium - isocortex - homotypic cortex characteristics: - pyramidal neurons: 80% #excitatory - interneurons: 20% #inhibitory - sulci #deep grooves - gyri #wrinkles - gender differences: male: neurons: 23 billion matter: grey #primarily more grey matter female: neurons: 19 billion matter: white #primarily more white matter notes: - "sulci and gyri allow more cortical columns to be packed into the human brain, allowing for improved working memory" - "in humans, 90% of the cerebral cortex is neocortex" - "all mammals have six layers of neocortex" layers: #of the neocortex 1: 2: 3: 4: #receives sensory information from the thalamus 5: 6: neocortical columns: diameter: 0.5mm depth: 2mm neurons: 60k #FIXME: see Markram's claim total: 500k #500k neocortical columns in the human brain frontal lobe: cortex: precentral gyrus: name: primary motor cortex abbreviation: M1 shares: - *brodmann-area-4 brodmann area 4: &brodmann-area-4 prefrontal cortex: supplementary motor cortex: premotor cortex: frontal eye fields: &frontal-eye-fields description: "initation of eye movements; voluntary saccades; pursuit eye movements" abbreviation: FEF shares: - *superior-colliculus-&-medial-dorsal-nucleus-&-FEF-ascending-pathway characteristics: - visual response time: 40..60ms - auditory response time: 30..60ms see also: - *brodmann-area-6 - *brodmann-area-8 - *brodmann-area-9 - *brodmann-area-10 - *brodmann-area-11 - *brodmann-area-12 - *brodmann-area-24 - *brodmann-area-25 - *brodmann-area-32 - *brodmann-area-33 - *brodmann-area-44 - *brodmann-area-45 - *brodmann-area-46 - *brodmann-area-47 gyrus: superior frontal gyrus: middle frontal gyrus: inferior frontal gyrus: anterior to: - *parietal-lobe - *temporal-lobe above to: - *temporal-lobe disease: - schizophrenia: !disease indicators: - poor axon myelination connections: #don't know if I like this section or not - thalamic connection: *thalamus neurotransmitters: - dopamine temporal lobe: &temporal-lobe cortex: primary auditory cortex: abbreviation: A1 shares: #41 & 42 "sort of" correspond to A1 - *brodmann-area-41 - *brodmann-area-42 A2: inferior temporal cortex: posterior inferior temporal cortex: gyrus: superior temporal gyrus: middle temporal gyrus: inferior temporal gyrus: fusiform gyrus: parahippocampal gyrus: brodmann area: see also: - *brodmann-area-9 - *brodmann-area-20 - *brodmann-area-21 - *brodmann-area-22 - *brodmann-area-27 - *brodmann-area-34 - *brodmann-area-35 - *brodmann-area-36 - *brodmann-area-37 - *brodmann-area-38 - *brodmann-area-41 - *brodmann-area-42 parietal lobe: &parietal-lobe cortex: primary somatosensory cortex: abbreviation: S1 shares: - *brodmann-area-1 - *brodmann-area-2 - *brodmann-area-3 S2: posterior parietal cortex: gyrus: postcentral gyrus: &primary-sensory-cortex name: primary somesthetic area links: - !wikipedia "[[primary sensory cortex]]" - !wikipedia "[[postcentral gyrus]]" other: precuneus: brodmann areas: shares: - *brodmann-area-1 - *brodmann-area-2 - *brodmann-area-3 - *brodmann-area-5 - *brodmann-area-7 - *brodmann-area-23 - *brodmann-area-26 - *brodmann-area-29 - *brodmann-area-31 - *brodmann-area-39 - *brodmann-area-40 - *primary-sensory-cortex occipital lobe: cortex: primary visual cortex: &primary-visual-cortex abbreviation: V1 shares: - *brodmann-area-17 V2: gyrus: lateral occipital gyrus: other: cuneus: brodmann areas: shares: - *brodmann-area-17 - *brodmann-area-18 - *brodmann-area-19 insular cortex: cingulate cortex: subgenual area 25: anterior cingulate: posterior cingulate: retrosplenial cortex: &retrosplenial-cortex name: retrosplenial region links: - !wikipedia "[[retrosplenial region]]" indusium griseum: brodmann areas: shares: - *brodmann-area-23 - *brodmann-area-24 - *brodmann-area-26 - *brodmann-area-29 - *brodmann-area-30 - *brodmann-area-31 - *brodmann-area-32 - *retrosplenial-cortex neural pathways: arcuate fasciculus: cerebral peduncle: corpus callosum: pyramidal tract: name: corticospinal tract major dopamine pathways: mesocortical pathway: mesolimbic pathway: nigrostriatal pathway: tuberinfundibular pathway: major serotonin pathways: raphe nuclei: motor systems: name: volition #wtf wikipedia? muscle: extrapyramidal systems: pyramidal tract: alpha system: gamma system: nerves: spinal cord: brain stem: cranial nerves: cranial nerve: &cranial-nerve-0 id: 0 olfactory nerve: &cranial-nerve-1 id: 1 optic nerve: &cranial-nerve-2 id: 2 occulomotor nerve: &cranial-nerve-3 id: 3 trochlear nerve: &cranial-nerve-4 id: 4 trigeminal nerve: &cranial-nerve-5 id: 5 abducens nerve: &cranial-nerve-6 id: 6 facial nerve: &cranial-nerve-7 id: 7 vestibulochoclear nerve: &cranial-nerve-8 id: 8 glossopharyngeal nerve: &cranial-nerve-9 id: 9 vagus nerve: &cranial-nerve-10 id: 10 accessory nerve: &cranial-nerve-11 id: 11 hypoglossal nerve: &cranial-nerve-12 id: 12 neuroendocrine system: HPA axis: circulatory systems: name: vascular systems venous systems: arterial systems: name: circle of Willis blood-brain barrier: blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier: dural meningeal system: brain-cerebrospinal fluid barrier: meningeal coverings: dura mater: arachnoid mater: pia mater epidural space: subdural space: arachnoid septum: ventricular system: cerebrospinal fluid: subarachnoid space: third ventricle: fourth ventricle: lateral ventricles: anterior horn: body of lateral ventricle: inferior horn: posterior horn: superior cistern: cistern of lamina terminalis: chaismatic cistern: interpeduncular cistern: pontine cistern: cisterna magna: spinal subarachnoid space: mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway: ventral tegmental areas: *ventral-tegmental-areas nucleus acumbens: *nucleus-acumbens localization: !in ventral striatum #the nucleus acumbens is in the ventral striatum characteristics: - neurons: name: medium spiny neurons references: - "Zhang TA, Maldve RE, Morrisett RA. 2006. Coincident signaling in mesolimbic structures underlying alcohol reinforcement. Biochemical Pharmacology 72:919-27" - "Purves D et al. 2008. Neuroscience. Sinauer 4ed. 754-56" shell: name: limbic region core: name: motor region medium spiny neurons: dendrites: neurotransmitters: - dopamine - glutamate from: - dopaminergic neurons of the ventral-tegmental-areas - glutamatergic neurons of the hippocampus - glutamatergic neurons of the amygdala - glutamatergic neurons of the medial prefrontal cortex axons: neurotransmitters: - GABA #medium spiny neurons mostly release GABA to: - *ventral-pallidium #part of the basal ganglia neurotransmitters: dopamine: name: - "2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylamine" - "3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine" - "3-hydroxytyramine" - "DA" - "intropin" - "revivan" - "oxytyramine" formula: C8H11NO2 molar mass: 153.18 g/mol melting point: 128 °C, 401 K, 262 °F solubility in water: 60.0 g/100 ml precursor: *levodopa characteristics: - !blood-brain-barrier blocked #doesn't pass the barrier #not so sure about the following syntax. - !inhibits *anterior-pituitary-prolactin produced by: #from - *substantia-nigra - *ventral-tegmental-areas #dopamine is released by the hypothalamus as a neurohormone - *hypothalamus inhibits: - *anterior-pituitary-prolactin links: - !wikipedia "[[dopamine]]" - !cas 51-61-6 - !pubchem 681 - !chemspider 661 notes: - "Administration of the dopamine precursor levodopa enhances learning in healthy subjects and stroke patients" neurotransmitter receptors: dopamine receptors: D1: D2: D3: D4: D5: levodopa: &levodopa names: - "L-DOPA" - "levodopa" - "(S)-2-amino-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl) propanoic acid" links: - !wikipedia "[[L-DOPA]]" - !cas 59-92-7 - !atc N04BA01 - !pubchem 6047 - !drugbank APRD00309 - !chemspider 5824 formula: C9H11NO4 molar mass: 197.19 g/mol pharmokinetic data: half life: 0.75–1.5 hours excretion: renal 70–80% legal status: OTC routes: *oral #might as well routes of administration: links: - "" #where most of this is from entereal: description: "desired effect is systemic (non-local), substance is given via the digestive tract." oral: &oral fda code: 001 nci concept id: C38288 gastric feeding tube: duodenal feeding tube: gastrostomy: rectal: topical: description: "local effect, substance is applied directly where its action is desired." epicutaneous: description: "application onto the epidermis (skin)" inhalation: enema: eye drops: ear drops: intranasal: vaginal: #e.g., topical estrogens parenteral: description: "desired effect is systemic, substance is given by routes other than the digestive tract." eye movements: see: - *supplementary-eye-fields - *intraparietal-sulci - *superior-colliculi - *frontal-eye-fields Broca speech area: &broca-speech localization: left #left brodmann area 44 shares: - *brodmann-area-44 Broca language area: &broca-language localization: left #left brodmann area 45 shares: - *brodmann-area-45 brodmann areas: 1: *primary-somatosensory-cortex 2: *primary-somatosensory-cortex 3: *primary-somatosensory-cortex 4: *primary-motor-cortex 5: *somatosensory-association-cortex 6: shares: - *premotor-cortex #secondary motor cortex or supplementary motor area - *secondary-motor-cortex - *supplementary-motor-area 7: *somatosensory-association-cortex 8: *frontal-eye-fields 9: *dorsolateral-prefrontal-cortex 10: *anterior-prefrontal-cortex #most rostral part of superior and middle frontal gyri 11: *orbitofrontal-area #orbital and rectus gyri, plus part of the rostral part of the superior frontal gyrus 12: *orbitofrontal-area #used to be part of BA11, refers to the area between the superior frontal gyrus and the inferior rostral sulcus 13: *insular-cortex 14: *insular-cortex 15: *anterior-temporal-lobe #FIXME: 16? 17: *primary-visual-cortex #V1 18: *secondary-visual-cortex #V2 19: *associative-visual-cortex #V3 20: *inferior-temporal-gyrus 21: *middle-temporal-gyrus 22: *superior-temporal-gyrus 23: *posterior-cingulate-cortex localization: ventral #ventral posterior-cingulate cortex 24: *anterior-cingulate-cortex localization: ventral #ventral anterior cingulate cortex 25: *subgenual-cortex 26: *ectosplenial-area 27: *piriform-cortex 28: *entorhinal-cortex localization: posterior 29: *retrosplenial-cingulate-cortex 30: *cingulate-cortex #er, part of it #FIXME: maybe should be *posterior-cingulate-cortex? 31: *cingulate-cortex localization: dorsal posterior 32: *cingulate-cortex localization: dorsal anterior 33: *cingulate-cortex localization: anterior 34: *entorhinal-cortex shares: - *parahippocampal-gyrus localization: anterior 35: *perirhinal-cortex shares: - *parahippocampal-gyrus 36: *perirhinal-cortex shares: - *parahippocampal-gyrus 37: *fusiform-gyrus 38: *temporopolar-area #rostral parat of the superior and middle temporal gyri localization: rostral shares: - *superior-temporal-gyri - *middle-temporal-gyri 39: *angular-gyrus notes: - "considered by some to be part of Wernicke's area" shares: - *wernicke-area 40: *supramarginal-gyrus notes: - "considered by some to be part of Wernicke's area" shares: - *wernicke-area 41: *primary-association-cortex 42: *auditory-association-cortex 43: *subcentral-area notes: - "between insula and post/precentral gyrus" 44: *pars-opercularis shares: - *broca-area 45: *pars-triangularis shares: - *broca-area 46: *prefrontal-cortex localization: dorsolateral #47 - inferior prefrontal gyrus 47: *gyrus localization: inferior prefrontal 48: *retrosubicular-area notes: - "a small part of the medial surface of the temporal lobe" shares: - *medial-surface-of-the-temporal-lobe 52: *parainsular-area notes: - "at the junction of the temporal lobe and the insula" shares: - !junction - *temporal-lobe - *insula sulci: gyri: notes: - "increased left frontal lobe gyrification in autism" - "schizophrenia development with increased gyrification in brodmann areas 9 & 10" - parkinsons: &parkinsons names: - "Parkinson's disease" - "paralysis of the will" adderall: &adderall mechanisms of action: - "enhanced dopaminergic activity, primarily in the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway" - "binds to the dopamine transporter (DAT) and blocks the transporter's ability to clear dopamine (DA) from the synapse" - "In addition, amphetamine is transported into the cell, which leads to dopamine efflux (DA is transported out of the cell and into the synaptic space via reverse transport of the DAT)." - "inhibits monoamine oxidase A and monoamine oxidase B (MAO-A and MAO-B)" - "releases more neurotransmitters into the synapse, and prolongs their availibility by slowing their removal" - "blocks reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine" - "inhibits reuptake of monoamines" - "Amphetamines are similar in structure to dopamine, and so can enter the terminal button of the presynaptic neuron via its dopamine transporters as well as by diffusing through the neural membrane directly. once inside the presynaptic neuron, amphetamines force the dopamine molecules out of their storage vesicles and expel them into the synaptic gap by making the dopamine transporters work in reverse." - "Amphetamines may also excite dopaminergic neurons via glutamate neurons. Amphetamines would thus remove an inhibiting effect due to metabotropic glutamate receptors. By thus releasing this natural brake, amphetamines would make the dopaminergic neurons more readily excitable." - "both the releasing AMPH and uptake-inhibiting actions of MPH and AMPH and related compounds are mediated by the catecholamine uptake transporter which has been studied for over 40 years" - "DA transporter protein direction is reversed by the presence of AMPH; once the DA transporter protein takes AMPH into the cell, it releases AMPH and takes DA out of the cell on its journey back towards the outside of the cell" - "" - "alternates between salts every 120 minutes" side effects: - "dry mouth causes bad breath" inhibits: - MAO-A - MAO-B methylphenidate: abbreviation: MPH notes: - "one protein (SNAP 25) is responsible for action-potential-related migration of presynaptic catecholamine vesicles, which, when this protein is altered, results in a lack of MPH responsiivity" #Steffensen SC, Henriksen SJ, Wilson MC. Transgenic rescue of SNAP-25 restores dopamine-modulated synaptic transmission in the coloboma mutant. Brain Res 1999;847:186-195